By Peter Hooley | THAT moment. The years of preparation, the mindset and the delivery
South Australian Peter Hooley has one of the most intriguing stories out of any college athletes out of Australia, maybe anywhere. In this b

By Nicole Seekamp | NCAA post season tournaments - amazing first hand experiences and insights
Introducing Coach Mes to High Performance Hoops Network and a preface for Seekamp's blog Pictured above: Coach Mes in action with Cabra...

A global focus on South Australian basketball - how do we become a part of it?
Given the level of recruitment going on in South Australia for the featured athletes on this site I felt it was an opportune time to...

By Paul Mesecke | Lessons on College Pathways – With a focus on great females that have come through
Preface by Janx Paul Mesecke has agreed to be the highperformancehoopsnetwork.com first "partner". Those that closely know the evolution...

Ben Carter | My experience in one of the top prospect combines (AAU) in the world
Forward by Janx Derrick Rose Tyreke Evans Kevin Love Terrence Williams Jrue Holiday James Harden Demar Derozan Darren Collison ...

Tips for College Coaches: Finding and measuring Aussie talent
Jacob Rigoni, Lat Mayen, Isaac White. Winners, that show the Aussie Style, all have dominated at National Championships and have the...