By Paul Mesecke | 2018 U20 Australian National Championships PER rankings, top 20 athletes
Welcome to the third edition of our PER rankings from Australian National Basketball Championships. This one is for the 2018 U20...

Q&A with Randy Livingston, leader of Team Asia Pacific at Adidas Summer Championships and Nation
Preface by Janx….. I’ve asked Randy Livingston to do a Q&A blog for www.highperformancehoopsnetwork.com, but before he we get to that I...

By Scott Whitmore | Our story and journey to become National Champions
Preface by Janx..... Video: Highlights from the South Australia Men's team at U20 National Championships. “Soo pumped!!! Our whole...

Pick and Roll Basketball
Image above: Sturt Sabre stalwart Jan Warbout screens featured athlete Isaac White (6'1'' Combo Guard Class of 2017). Jan is straddling...

Ben Carter | My experience in one of the top prospect combines (AAU) in the world
Forward by Janx Derrick Rose Tyreke Evans Kevin Love Terrence Williams Jrue Holiday James Harden Demar Derozan Darren Collison ...