Past Players in Janx' youth teams
The following list contains athletes that have played in youth teams Jantke was the Head Coach of. Not all of these athletes are Featured athletes at High Performance Hoops Network but most of them are. It specifically lists athletes that Coach Janx coached as a Head Coach of youth teams, players that went on to play Professionally, Division 1 and 2 NCAA, and attended the Centre of Excellence/AIS/NBA Global over the past 10 years.
"I am privileged to work with the greatest cohort of young basketball talent in the state's history. The outstanding young men are phenomenal people that have done themselves and their families proud. I admire their work ethic and desire to achieve what they have so far on and off the court. So many coaches and supporters contribute to their journey and we thank all that have done and continue to do so." - Andrew Jantke

Isaac White
2023 - Current, Brisbane Bullets
2022 - 2023, Tasmania Jackjumpers2
2020 - 2022, Illawarra Hawks

Alex Mudronja
2023 - Current, Cairns Taipans
2021-2022, Illawarra Hawks
2019-2021, Adelaide 36ers

Keanu Rasmussen
2023 - Current, Adelaide 36ers

Lat Mayen
2022 - Current, Cairns Taipans

Koen Sapwell
Pro-career: 2021-Current, Melbourne Phoenix

Jacob Rigoni
Pro-career: 2023-Current, Adelaide 36ers

Owen Hulland
Pro-career: 2020-2021, Adelaide 36ers

Daniel Carlin
Pro-career: 2015-2016, Adelaide 36ers
Division 1 and 2 NCAA
Division 1 and 2 NCAA

Benjamin Griscti
2023-Current UC Riverside, Big West, Division 1 NCAA
2021-2023 University of Incarnate Word, Southland, Division 1 NCAA
Division 1 and 2 NCAA

Alex Mudronja
College-career: 2018-19 St Mary's Gaels, WCC, Division 1 NCAA
Division 1 and 2 NCAA

Fiston Ipassou
College-career: 2023 - Current Northern Kentucky Norse, Horizon, Division 1 NCAA
Division 1 and 2 NCAA

Yaak Yaak
College-career: 2023 - Current North Mexico State University, CUSA, Division 1 NCAA
Division 1 and 2 NCAA

Aime Ciza
College-career: 2023 - Current Niagra, MAAC, Division 1 NCAA
Division 1 and 2 NCAA

Anyang Garang
College Career:
2021 - Current UMBC Retrievers, AEC, Division 1 NCAA
2018 - 2020 Oklahoma Sooners, Big12, Division 1 NCAA
Division 1 and 2 NCAA

Ben Carter
College Career:
2019 - 2020 Cal State Moterey Bay Otters, CCAA, Division 2 NCAA
2018 - Montana Griz, Big Sky, Division 1 NCAA
Division 1 and 2 NCAA

Brent Hank
College Career: 2017 - 2020 Albany Great Danes, AEC, Division 1 NCAA
Division 1 and 2 NCAA

Hayden Meakes
College Career: 2020 - Current Adams State Grizzlies, RMAC, Division 2 NCAA
Division 1 and 2 NCAA

Isaac White
College Career: 2017-2019 Stanford Cardinal, PAC 12, Division 1 NCAA
Division 1 and 2 NCAA

Jacob Rigoni
College Career: 2017 - Current Quinnipiac Bobcats, MAAC, Division 1 NCAA
Division 1 and 2 NCAA

Joel Dyer
College Career: 2020 - Current Huntington Forresters, Crossroads
Division 1 and 2 NCAA

Keanu Rasmussen
College Career: 2021 - Current Cal Baptist University, WAC, Division 1 NCAA
Division 1 and 2 NCAA

Uche Dibiamaka
College Career: 2016 - Current UTRGV, WAC, Division 1 NCAA
Division 1 and 2 NCAA

Jarryd Hoppo
College Career: 2017 - Current Albany Great Danes, AEC, Division 1 NCAA
Division 1 and 2 NCAA

Owen Hulland
College Career: 2018 - 20 Hawaii Rainbow Warriors, Big West, Division 1 NCAA
Division 1 and 2 NCAA

Lat Mayen
College Career: 2017-19 TCU Horned Frogs, Big 12, Division 1 NCAA
2020 - Current Nebraska Cornhuskers, Big 10, Division 1 NCAA
Division 1 and 2 NCAA

Koen Sapwell
College Career: 2017 - 2020 Cal State Moterey Bay Otters, CCAA, Division 2 NCAA
Division 1 and 2 NCAA

Sebastian Griffin
College Career: 2020 - Current Nova Southeastern, SSC, Division 2 NCAA
Centre of Excellence (CoE), NBA Global
Basketball Australia's Centre of Excellence (CoE), NBA Global

Yaak Yaak
Years at NBA Global: 2021 - 2021
Basketball Australia's Centre of Excellence (CoE), NBA Global

Keanu Rasmussen
Years at CoE: 2020 - 2021
Basketball Australia's Centre of Excellence (CoE), NBA Global

Aimable Rutayisire
Years at NBA Global: 2020 - 2021
Basketball Australia's Centre of Excellence (CoE), NBA Global

Fiston Ipassou
Years at CoE: 2020 - 2021
Basketball Australia's Centre of Excellence (CoE), NBA Global

Anyang Garang
Years at NBA Global: 2018, 2019
Basketball Australia's Centre of Excellence (CoE), NBA Global

Owen Hulland
Years at CoE: 2016, 2017
Basketball Australia's Centre of Excellence (CoE), NBA Global

Lat Mayen
Years at CoE: 2016
Basketball Australia's Centre of Excellence (CoE), NBA Global

Alex Mudronja
Years at CoE: 2016, 2017
Basketball Australia's Centre of Excellence (CoE), NBA Global

Daniel Carlin
Years at AIS: 2009