This site is 100% for the good of basketball; with a spotlight on our featured, high-performance athletes from South Australia.
Andrew Jantke Basketball is:
The NUMBER 1 source of information for US College Coaches on elite prospects out of South Australia.
Australia's NUMBER 1 source for insider blogs, information and true stories. Written by athletes, and coaches that support elite athlete development. Educational, inspirational and informative for the whole, global basketball community.
An independent platform ran by volunteer coaches who support and work within our nation's high performance pathways. Open, honest and transparent for the good of basketball.
The back story: Why this site was orginally set up .
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Founded by Andrew Jantke, is about athletes; you come in all shapes and sizes, all backgrounds, cultures and all sorts of pathways to get here.
We know you. We know where to find you. We know what to look for. We know how to get the best out of you. We have the knowledge, experience, and networks to help you get real outcomes. You can't buy your way into this network. More than likely, we'll find YOU! Just make sure you are ready.
Are you an athlete or family of an athlete?
Your trusted support network
We are THE proven source of trust! There are gaps for you in services and supports you need in your very challenging journey. We have no shortcuts, no 2nd agendas, no money (we are a free service), EXTREMELY high work ethic. We know that there's only a few you can truly trust. We are your source of trust in this industry.
What we do
WE have proven outcomes, systems and knowledge. Highly experienced and WORLD class at what we do; Talent ID and evaluation..... player development and coaching..... successful and powerful networks..... mentoring and guidance.....
We are fiercely independent and highly collaborative, very supportive of Australian pathways and programs.
Speak to us anytime to make sure you get the credible, proven, transparent, REAL guidance and support.