By Andrew Jantke | Introducing our 2019 Featured Athletes
We are very pleased to announce an additional TWO (2) featured athletes for the 2019 class. Before we announce them we want to provide some other information to various stakeholders.
To US College Coaches - Why recruit here?
I am fortunate to be appointed to roles by the leaders of the programs I coach at, Sturt Sabres and Basketball SA, to work with the best elite male youth talent in the state of South Australia. I have some of the most experienced eyes in the business, and have been directly coaching all of our nine featured athletes at various levels. I maintain great relationships with all of them and their families. Our featured athletes are consistently developing to world class levels, our platform is becoming the proven, trusted source for talent identification, to United States College coaches, in men's basketball, for division 1 level athletes out of South Australia at levels never seen before. More info on my credibility, reputation is on the testimonials page.
Our goal is to make sure your recruiting is well informed, you have access to all the footage, stats and information you need and our featured athletes move into a program that helps them succeed, and for your program to win!
The featured athletes currently heading to college know that their success will also leave a legacy with OUR network. When we choose a featured athlete we put our reputation on the line and their success will be integral to the ongoing credibility and success of what we do for future prospects. We are invested in their success and they don't want to let any of us down once they get to your program.

PICTURED: Coaching at U18 National Championships. When you've coached at more than 10 Australian National Junior Championships, coached division 1 district/rep basketball for decades, after playing for almost 15 yrs, you get good at talent identification and development. The record since this platform has been setup, when we identified a history making (out of our state) 4 division 1 commits, well before most, speaks for itself. The college coaches that listen to our insights, recruit our featured athletes will be rewarded with great recruits as schools from the Pac12, to Big12, to the MAAC and AEC are about to find out. See this blog for more info on the recent D1 Commits featured on our site.
To the partners at
Thanks to Michael Humphrys, Josh Lloyd and Paul Mesecke for all your help.
We are a team of volunteers.
The insights you provide, the efficiency and accuracy of your work is brilliant. The hours of tape analysis, player insights and statistical analysis you provided is valued by myself and our 2018 and 2019 class featured athletes.
To our symbiotic Partnerships - Coaches in the pathways and others
For the scouts. agents, private skills coaches, private strength and conditioning coaches and others that seek to assist: When we help our featured athletes we tell them and their families it is a non-exclusive arrangement, they can seek help from anyone they like, that adds value to them, BUT they must keep us in the loop and simply listen to our insights before they decide who to utilise. We don't want to invest into an athlete only to see them make poor decisions that will negatively impact themselves, and therefore our investment in them. If you work with a featured athlete, act with honesty and integrity, add value to them, we at will return the support.

PICTURED: National Championships. This is where athletes are tested. The bulk of their development happens at club level and we are thankful for all those in the Aussie pathways that invest in athlete development.
For the coaches in our pathways, Directors of Coaching, State High Performance Managers and National Coaches: You are an integral part of what we do. We endeavor to keep you in the loop, always open to provide you information and insights on the featured athlete's recruitment, and I could not support athletes like I do without your support. Whilst no formal arrangement exists, we see our platform as being a symbiotic partner with our formal state and national pathways. As a very active coach in these pathways I would not do what I do if it was not in relationship with you.
I also want to thank Basketball SA's (our state's peak basketball body) High Performance Manager (David Ingham), who has been an integral part of the communication loop with the opportunity we are offering these men, as well as offering important development, insights and support in the journey of all our featured athletes.
For our new 2019 featured athletes I want to thank their respective clubs, Central Districts Lions and South Adelaide Panthers: Where these young men have played and developed to the levels they are today. Like our first athletes in the 2017 class we want the guys we support to always value and support where they come from and their supporters, coaches and mentors in these clubs are always valued. Your work,effort, skills and capabilities makes a vast contribution to basketball in our state and for our platform to be truly successful we NEED more resources investing into elite talent development at all ages.
To future potential featured athletes and families
We want this pathway to inspire you to commit to your development. We want our athlete's stories to help give you insights and knowledge in what it takes to succeed. We want you to understand the outstanding team ethics, work ethic and positive character qualities we look for.
Check out these athlete's stories.
This article will provide you with more insights on what we look for in a featured athlete.
2 new featured athletes for Class of 2019

PICTURED: Featured Athlete for class of 2019, Jarryd Hoppo from South Adelaide Panthers.
Our two new featured athletes join a very elite group of men and understand that our support is conditional of their continued investment into their own development, on the court and in the classroom. Our network of athletes is a validation tool for college coaches that the guys they are recruiting have excellent qualities, standards, coachability, team ethics and work ethic. They are good men. This platform began from on the basis of rewarding kids for these kinds of qualities but also for doing their best at climbing our nation's basketball pathways. We have made commitments to the 2017 commits, their families, to support their college aspirations and they followed that by committing to their own development. This model works well, the results speaks for itself.

PICTURED: Featured Athlete for class of 2019, Anyang Garang from Central Districts Lions.
This is all a win for the athletes, a win for Basketball in South Australia and abroad, a win for our future prospects and paves a clear path for potential prospects in our state to have a clear path to their dreams.
We are very proud to welcome Jarryd Hoppo (6'9'' Class of 2019, Wing/Stretch 4 combo) and Anyang Garang (6'9'' Class of 2019, Wing) to
VIDEO: Anyang Garang playing in U18 National Championships in April 2017. More info on our featured athletes page.
VIDEO: Jarryd Hoppo playing in U18 National Championships in April 2017. More info on our featured athletes page.